The Bravery in Online Matching
بقلم طاقم مدونة صدفة
So, you’ve made it through the profile setup and all the other formalities. It might seem a bit overwhelming getting into online dating, but on the other hand there’s a sense of security in meeting new people by logging into a website or app.
Although there is a the security in being behind a screen when searching for the one and only, it does not take away the fact that face to face meeting will take place at some point, and it may or may not be everything you dreamed of, drumroll!
Simply put, the key to success of meeting in real life boils down to one teeny weeny concept called honesty. Yes, you’ve probably heard of it a thousand times, but sometimes the jiffy little thing tends to slip the minds of people on the quest for love.
Not that total disclosure is always advised, but keep in mind that what you state in profile texts, messages and other interactions should really be somewhat related to the truth. Sitting on a date knowingly having lied about a few things, although minor details, will cause you to feel uneasy.
Unless of course you’re a pathological liar who thrives in the world of lying and getting away with deceiving people on a regular basis. Just to underline, we do our best to keep that type of members far away from Soudfa.
But all in all being honest is the key to finding the one and only here at Soudfa. It’s fairly easy to be honest, all you have to do is not lie. It's that simple. There’s the love recipe for you. Seriously, all fun aside, the easiest way to creating a good and healthy relationship is through honesty. It doesn’t have to be everything about every aspect of your life from first contact.
Take baby steps and as you grow more fond of the other person and start to feel an emotional connection, so will your need to be honest flourish. We would like to encourage you to meet each other as soon as you feel safe in doing so. Chatting forever may not be the most effective way to find out whether you are a match or not.
We wish you all the best of luck in meeting that someone that will complete your life.